$1400 including lodging & food (starting on 9th)
$800 with no lodging & food (starting on 7th every month)
- 60 hours of practical classes
- 45 types of Asanas (Ashtanga yoga)
- 10 types of Pranayamas
- Bandhas (Mula, Uddiyan, Jalandhra)
- Shat Kriya
- Mantra (Mahamantra, Beej mantra)
- Meditation (based on five elmentes)
- Methodology (Patanjali Yoga Sutra, Ghren Sahita, Gorakh Siddhnta, Siddha Siddhnta Paddhati, Hathayga Pradeepika, Srimad Bhagawat Gita)
- Anatomy of human body
- Ayurveda and food (basics, satkarma, six examination and ranking)
- Yogi's life
- Gorakshnath biogaraphy
- Two day excursion in spiritual places (Haridwar, Vasistha Cave, Kunjapuri, Neelkanth)
- One day karma yoga, you will plant one tree in herbal garden in the memories of this course.